Key Points to Consider When Buying Labradorite Jewelry

Key Points to Consider When Buying Labradorite Jewelry

Labradorite, with its magnificent shimmer and display of colors, captivates admirers effortlessly. Its mesmerizing interplay of light and color is so enchanting that the Inuit people regarded it as the very essence of the Aurora Borealis, entrapped within a stone. Highly regarded as one of the top gems in jewelry making, Labradorite's beauty commands a significant demand among gem lovers and designers alike. Its striking appearance continues to interest an increasing number of people eager to indulge in the unique charm that this gemstone offers and add to their jewelry collections.

Meaning of Labradorite

Labradorite is a term, which refers to the unique glow and distinct quality of precious stones. Labradorite’s typically dark base is enlivened by an iridescent sheen that lends the stone a dynamic quality. The remarkable visual effect of Labradorite owes much to its layered structure; as light refracts off these layers, a spectrum of colors emerges, showcasing the stone's inherent beauty.

Commonly seen hues of Labradorite include shades of orange, rainbow, brown, and blue. However, not all Labradorite exhibits this color play, known as labradorescence, yet they remain valuable. Their worth is also recognized in the presence of aventurescence, the subtle white or blue gleam visible from different angles, adding to the stone's captivating appeal. 

Where is it found?

Labradorite, a member of the plagioclase feldspar group, can be found in various types of rocks such as sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. It was named after its discovery in Labrador, Canada. Madagascar is known for its plentiful labradorite deposits, but this gemstone is also mined in other countries including Russia, Sri Lanka, Finland, Norway, and Australia.

Colors Of Labradorite

Labradorite usually appears as gray, dark brown, or black and often displays vibrant colors like purple, blue, and green due to its labradorescence. The stone's schiller effect is what causes it to show a range of colors, including red, orange, green, blue, and yellow. These colors are not actually part of the stone itself; they are created when light interacts with flaws within the mineral. If you're considering adding to your silver gemstone jewelry collection, labradorite would be an excellent choice.

Clarity and Cut

If cut and polished correctly, Labradorite can show more of its natural shine. Since it forms in layers within rock, it's important to cut it in a way that highlights its colorful shimmer from the front. Labradorite is often shaped into smooth, rounded beads called cabochons. For the clearer pieces, faceting them can enhance their sparkle. The most popular shapes for Labradorite are oval, round, marquise, and pear, especially when set in 925 sterling silver jewelry.

Is Labradorite good for ring?

Labradorite is a resilient stone that holds up well when set properly in jewelry, scoring between 6 and 6.5 on the hardness scale. It's tough enough for everyday wear if treated with care and is less likely to crack compared to softer gemstones. To keep it secure, it's often set in sterling silver, particularly for rings and earrings.

Keeping your Labradorite clean is key to its longevity and shine. Instead of using steam cleaners or soap, which can be harsh, a gentle brush will do the job well. Store your Labradorite wrapped in a soft cloth to protect it from being scratched by other stones and from dust.

By avoiding abrasive cleaners, bleach, and detergents, you'll help preserve the stone's natural luster. It's also wise to take off any Labradorite jewelry before doing any kind of rough work or exercise to prevent damage. Following these simple care instructions will ensure your Labradorite jewelry remains as captivating as when you first got it.

The Mystical Powers of Labradorite

Labradorite is valued not just for its appearance but also for its reputed healing properties. The gemstone's iridescent colors are said to inspire creativity and intuition, while also encouraging imagination and providing relief from stress and unwanted thoughts. It's considered a stone of tranquility, helping to alleviate fears and insecurities.

This stone is thought to create balance and boost confidence, particularly benefiting those who tend to overthink. It is said to replace negative energy with positive vibes. In the workplace, Labradorite is believed to foster a sense of optimism, promote harmony, and enhance understanding among co-workers.

In terms of physical health, Labradorite is used to support the immune system and treat various conditions like fevers, indigestion, colds, menstrual discomfort, respiratory issues, and to assist in regulating metabolism. It's also linked to the throat chakra, believed to aid in purifying this energy center and improving communication skills. Wearing Labradorite is thus considered beneficial for both mental and physical well-being.

With its unique qualities, Labradorite is increasingly popular among those who appreciate gemstones. It is celebrated globally for its distinct characteristics.

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